Wedding Tip Thursday: Some Tips for Menu Selection and Timing



I’m all about planning a delicious dinner for wedding guests – don’t we all remember the food?!  However, I’m also a big fan of moving things along to get to the party. Your guests will truly appreciate a well-executed service plan. It’s the kind of thing you only notice if it doesn’t go smoothly…specifically, if you are one of the guests waiting and waiting and waiting for your food. If you choose a plated meal, here are some simple ways to keep things on track with service:

Stick to three courses. If you really want to add a course, consider an intermezzo which is quick and pretty and a unique touch. Or, offer a displayed cheese course after you cut the cake – so European!

Preset your first course. This means that before your guests are cued to dinner, the service staff has already set out the first course for each guest. It also means you need to choose a cold first course and you’ll need to design the place settings accordingly. (No napkins or menu cards on the plate. Instead, consider propping a menu card against a glass and rolling the napkin at the top of the setting – tied with raffia, ribbon, sea grass, etc.)

Choose a set menu. Serving everyone the same entrée will literally take 30 minutes – minimum – off your dinner service time. I like a dual entrée such as filet and salmon but choose what you like and then offer a vegetarian option by request (either on the response card or by request the night of the reception).

Not only will all your guests rave about the food and service, but you’ll stay on track with your timeline. This means more time for dancing, visiting and partying with your friends and family!

