Make it Pretty Monday: Etsy Registry!
Etsy is the world’s most creative marketplace of handmade items where artists can sell their items, and others can buy them. It has many categories from antique items, to clothing, but our favorite category is weddings! This past week Etsy has added a new option to their site, to create a wedding registry! On their registry you can add household and decor items, furniture, even electronics. One of the reasons why Erin McLean Events loves this registry idea, is because brides can also register for wedding decorations that they would like to have on their wedding day. This would be a great help especially if a bride and groom are paying for their own event. In addition to a wedding or shower gift, guests could choose to buy something to put towards the couples wedding day of their Etsy registry. Here are some of EME's favorite items that we have seen at weddings that are from Etsy that brides could add to their registry!
Wooden drink sticks with your new monogram! Too cute!
Drink straws in your wedding colors! We love these!! From DimeStoreBuddy.
Wedding directional sign by OurHobbyToYourHome. Perfect ceremony or reception detail! {Source}.
Wedding thank you signs. What a fabulous unique thank you card idea!! From LimitedLane.
Chalkboard art, would make a cute entrance sign to your reception! By Customchalk. {Source}.
What about a cute hanger to hang your wedding dress on! Too adorable. Made by AllThingsHandKrafted.
Happy Etsy Registry Shopping!