How to have an easy wedding rehearsal!
Happy Wedding Tip Thursday!!
If you’ve ever been in a wedding before being the Bride, you probably know why people tend to dread rehearsals. People are late, confused, and usually don’t understand why they have to be there. A planner can certainly help organize and run a rehearsal as smoothly as possible and I highly recommend one if at all possible. However, here are a few tips that can help anyone have a good rehearsal and make everyone feel more comfortable with their role as part of your wedding.
Send a mailed/emailed/texted/or personal call to everyone who needs to be at the rehearsal and tell them what time to be there (I recommend telling everyone 15 minutes early), where to meet and what the expected attire will be. Don’t assume they know!
Put someone else in charge…NOT the Bride. Again, I recommend a planner if possible, but if not, pick someone to be the boss. You’ll be too emotional/involved/nervous/excited to do it.
Plan it out – have it in writing, on handouts even – who is escorting who and to what songs they will enter to. Also include who should be where and at what time for the day of the wedding.
Tell the guys at the rehearsal to make sure they have black socks for the next day (if they are wearing dark suits). It is amazing how many forget and end up sporting white athletic socks.
To look consistent, tell the ladies to place their thumbs to their navels while holding their bouquets. And smile!
The Bridal Party should be told to always keep their eyes on the front entrance to the ceremony and then once the Bride enters, keep their eyes on the Bride at all times. It looks great for photos!
Remind everyone not to lock their knees, move around just a little as they stand up front, knees bent slightly. Drink plenty of water (preferably no or very little alcohol – I’m talking like one drink) before the wedding and to eat something. Even if no one in the Bridal Party has ever fainted, a wedding is when it just seems to happen.
And most importantly, have fun! Don’t make it too serious and be flexible. The most important thing is that your friends and family are there to celebrate your marriage. Keep that the focus, follow these little tricks of trade and your rehearsal will actually be enjoyable.
Happy Planning!