A Holiday in the Pines | Event Design | Carolina Wedding Planner


Winter Tablescape

If  you could plan your idyllic dinner party for your closest friends, where would it be? We had this vision of a Southern afternoon holiday affair under the Pines of Eastern North Carolina. Sure, some might think we are crazy, but that is the beauty of it. With the weather on our side this year, this vision could be real. What could be more beautiful than a crisp white table set for 6 in the midst of such an organic setting. Bringing together the delicate sequin lace in the linen and the unexpected pop of rose gold stemmed champagne glasses and flatware against the rustic forest floor taking  your guests  on a journey to a scene from the iconic children's book, "The Mitten". You might even expect to see a mother doe stop by to say hello.

Christmas Dinner Party

Christmas Dinner Party

Christmas is a time for magic, a time for visions to come to life in the pages of  children's storybooks. Why not bring some of that magic to your holiday celebration? Think outside the box, bring a little of the unexpected to your table. Incorporate metallics or create an organic centerpiece from greenery out of your own back yard. Choose a talking pieces like a candelabra or interesting ghost accent chairs. Your guests will love your thoughtfulness and your table will exude a warmth and glow that makes the holidays so special.

Crisp White Table

Crisp White Table

Gold Calligraphy

Gold Calligraphy

Hand lettering your dinner menu is another way to make your guests feel like they are being treated to something unique - something special. Incorporate place cards and a signature cocktail to welcome them to the table. We incorporated the pine and bright blooms to warm the table and compliment the earthy metallics at each place setting.



Dinner Party Details

Dinner Party Details

Creating events that engage guest's senses through textures, smells, colors, and a true experience from start to finish makes us happy. The holidays make us happy. Bringing the two things together is fantastic. Treat your family and friends to something that will make a lasting memory. Whatever that vision may be in your heart. Merry Christmas friends!

Gold Menu Card

Gold Menu Card

Winter Dinner Party

Winter Dinner Party

Fuschia Peonies

Fuschia Peonies

Photography - Graham Terhune Photography

Design + Florals - Erin McLean Events

Flatware + Linens - CE Rental